

I ran out of time and was not able to finish the hands, feet and face.
I also ran into a problem on this particular pose: bending the underlying armature in the right place. As you can see by the silver wire coming through the knee areas, I overestimated where the legs should bend. I thought I'd estimated correctly, but apparently not!


Gerald de Dios said...

Another beauty. Where do all these sculptures go? Your shelves must be filled with these wonderful sculptures?

Julia Lundman said...

Thanks Gerald!

I reuse the armature underneath, so usually I tear these apart and restart.

I have only kept two of them in the hopes of collecting enough decent samples to submit in order to get into Richard MacDonald's workshop in Carmel next year.

Castle in the Air said...

I like this one immensely.

I really admire your gusto! How prolific and such a dedicated, intense journey.

Very inspiring!

With best wishes,

Julia Lundman said...

Oh thank you so much Karima! I have taken some classes at the Castle - I plan to again in the near future. I read your blog all the time and really enjoy it!

Thanks for stopping by!


Jose Ramos said...

Very nice and lovely figure.
.I have seen your blog , and I have to say you ,that you got a great style.
.Congratulations and see u!