

Two Portraits

I have been inspired lately to use conte, pan pastel, and pitt pastel pencil on Rives BFK paper. I love this particular mix of materials with the velvety texture of the paper. Even with all smudging I did, I found that Rives BFK paper was able to withstand multiple layers of conte, smudging and erasing. I can't wait to draw more!
 "Walter", conte and pastel pencil on rives bfk paper
"Christopher", conte and pastel pencil on rives bfk paper

My kitty Maggie watched me during much of these portrait sessions. She's a great studio companion except for the occasional snoring.

This past year I have spent almost my entire life outside of my full time job taking workshops. Although my personal schedule was definitely pushed the max and at times stressful, at the end of this year I am looking back and feeling hopeful, energized and inspired. For about ten years after I left Chicago to move to San Francisco, I stopped painting outside of my illustration job because I was too busy making a living. This year I've made connections back to what truly inspires me; I've been studying Nature closely and all the while looking deep within my own heart, thinking carefully about what I truly find beautiful.

I am eternally grateful to those artists around me, right here in San Francisco, who generously choose to pass on their wisdom and support!

With so much gratitude, thank you!

Lundman-plein air box


Charles Santoso said...

WOah! These are really wonderful, Julia :D :D :)

Julia Lundman said...

Thank you Charles!!!

Dai Wynn said...

Absolutely delightful. What wonderful talent you have.

Roman said...

Really outstanding, thank You for inspiration and keep up this kind of work! :)

Julia Lundman said...

Thank you for your comment Roman. I feel like I work in a vacuum, so I appreciate the support. I've been quiet on my blog for a few months now due to working busily away on some other projects. Thank you for stopping by!
